Thursday, May 26, 2011

Muddy and the Colonel, UNHCR compound (our house), Kasulu, TZ.

Burundian boys dancing at the Int Day of the Child, Mtabila camp, Tanzania, June 2010.

The peanut gallery at Mtabila camp's International Day of the Child, Tanzania.

Burundian kids in Mtabila camp on the International Day of the Child/Children's Day, 1 June 2010.

Lake Tanganyika near Kigoma, TZ. My first time with malaria. Malaria's no fun.

Congolese performance troupe in Nyarugusu camp.

20 June 2010, Nyarugusu camp

Congolese kid with bucket for a hat, Nyarugusu refugee camp, Nyarugusu, Tanzania. World Refugee Day, 2010.