Sunday, March 7, 2010

Two Weeks Gone

It seems like months since we left the US but it's only been two weeks. We finally made it to Kasulu, Tanzania after a ridiculously long journey that included stopovers in Los Angeles, Amsterdam, Nairobi, Dar es Salaam, and Kigoma. I'm still tired.

The highlight of the past two weeks was arriving to the field office to find that we do have a place to stay after all. For weeks I heard nothing about accommodation from the main office but ten minutes after we got to Kasulu we were shown to our new digs, a little red brick cottage. Right behind it is tall green grass and a few small termite mounds. In our yard we've seen two kinds of lizards, chicken hawks, white-necked ravens, and something that looks like an egret. An old mother dog picks through the garbage pit every night around six. It's been pretty nice here so far.

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